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Ode to Joy: Symphony No. 9

  • Blaisdell Concert Hall 777 Ward Ave Honolulu, HI, 96815 United States (map)


Please note that this concert has been moved to the Neal S. Blaisdell Concert Hall.

The Beethoven Festival comes to a resounding finale with the might of symphonic voices for Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 paired with the re-discovery of Hawaiʻi composer Dai Keong Lee’s Pulitzer nominated Symphony No. 2.

Ticket holders: We invite you to join us in the auditorium for a special pre-concert talk an hour prior to the concert.

  • Dane Lam, conductor

    O'ahu Choral Society; Joshua Habermann, Artistic Director
    Maria Valdes, Soprano
    Blythe Kelsey, Mezzo-soprano
    Alok Kumar, Tenor
    David Soar, Bass

  • Lee, Dai-Keong - Symphony No. 2

    Beethoven, Ludwig van - Symphony No. 9, Choral

  • Please visit here for information.

Beethoven Festival Sponsor


Masterworks Series Sponsor


Season Sponsors

*Tickets for this concert are sold online or through the HSO Box Office. For additional information, please call the HSO Box Office at (808) 380-7720, T-F between 10 am - 2 pm.

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