Please note that this concert has been moved to the Neal S. Blaisdell Concert Hall.
The Beethoven Festival comes to a resounding finale with the might of symphonic voices for Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 paired with the re-discovery of Hawaiʻi composer Dai Keong Lee’s Pulitzer nominated Symphony No. 2.
Ticket holders: We invite you to join us in the auditorium for a special pre-concert talk an hour prior to the concert.
Dane Lam, conductor
O'ahu Choral Society; Joshua Habermann, Artistic Director
Maria Valdes, Soprano
Blythe Kelsey, Mezzo-soprano
Alok Kumar, Tenor
David Soar, Bass -
Lee, Dai-Keong - Symphony No. 2
Beethoven, Ludwig van - Symphony No. 9, Choral
Please visit here for information.
Beethoven Festival Sponsor
Masterworks Series Sponsor
Season Sponsors
*Tickets for this concert are sold online or through the HSO Box Office. For additional information, please call the HSO Box Office at (808) 380-7720, T-F between 10 am - 2 pm.